Early Adopter Special Offer

Thank you!

[early_adopter]WP Facebook Pixel is the result of over many hours of work and we couldn’t be more proud of the result. With the release of our first professional version, we wanted to say thank you to those of you who gave us the encouragement to keep going by downloading and using our plugin.

But this offer ends soon...

2016/05/03 00:00:00

TWO incredible discounts to our incredible users!

Early Adopter

Just for being one of the first to use our plugin, we will give you 25% off.  We truly value your early support!

Quick Survey

And for a few minutes of your precious time filling out this survey we will give you 50% off!

That is an incredible 75% off the purchase price of this amazing marketing tool!

What can the pro version do? We're so glad you asked.

  • Quick Setup

    Set up and add the Facebook Pixel to every page within minutes!

  • (PRO) Track Title

    Automatically track the title of each post or page visited in the ViewContent event.

  • (PRO) Delay ViewContent events

    Delaying the ViewContent event ensures you don’t target people visitors who are not truly interested in your product.

  • (PRO) Track page visit duration

    Automatically add the visitors page view duration to the ViewContent event.

  • Exclude user tracking

    Dont track Administrators, Shop Managers, or any other user type with a simple click.

  • (PRO) Category / Tag Tracking

    Track specific categories and tags or track them all automatically!

  • (PRO) Key Tracking

    Some plugins add different Keys to your post types.  We will show you all of the keys set for any page/post type and you can track it with 1 click!

  • (PRO) Search Term Tracking

    Automatically send Search event when a user searches your site.

  • Choose your Product ID

    Use either the Product ID or SKU to track your products.

  • (PRO) WooCommerce Custom Value

    Tracking a custom value assigned to each WooCommerce product instead of the products price.

  • Dynamic Product Ads

    Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads improve your marketing targeting.  WP Facebook Pixel automatically sends all required information for all WooCommerce actions taken.