remarketable Pro v3.0

remarketable Pro v3.0 “Dalmatian”

This update includes some user requested features and our new professional options!

Professional version releasing soon!

New Features and Options


We have added support for the following General features and options:

  • Track Title (pro) – Automatically send the current page to Facebook.  This will allow you to target user’s based on the title of the page they visit.
  • Delay View Content (pro) –  Wait for a second or two before sending any ViewContent data to Facebook.  This ensures that the user didn’t just happen on the page by accident.
  • Track duration on page (pro) – Track the number of seconds a user stays on the page.  Only advertise to users who were truly interested in the product and stayed long enough to show that interest.
  • User Type Tracking – No longer have Administrator, Store Manager and other frequent user’s clouding your data!


Category/Meta Key Tracking

We have added the ability to automatically track the category of the content viewed by the user.  You can track all categories, or select the categories to be tracked individually!

Meta Keys are extra data associated with posts and pages.  This data comes in many forms and is typically added by your theme or plugins.  You can track all meta data, or only specific keys easily.


WooCommerce Options

  • Custom Product Value (pro) – Add your own custom value to each product.
  • Disable Events – Decide which events are sent to Facebook by each WooCommerce action!


Bug Fixes

Fixed issue pixel loaded twice reported by beanda and ToniJ123

Thank you both for bringing this to our attention.  This issue has been identified and resolved!

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