This page explains all WooCommerce options for the remarketable Pro. To find these options, look in the main left side WordPress menu for Settings then remarketable Pro Settings. From there select the WooCommerce Options tab across the top.
WooCommerce Options
Product Id
Events related to specific products require an identifier Facebook calls a Content_ID. This setting allows you to determine what we send as the product’s Content_ID, either it’s Post ID or SKU. Whichever identifier you use, you must ensure that each product uses the same value to identify it in your Product Catalogue on Facebook.
Post ID: When a Product is created on your WordPress site, it automatically gets an unique identifier. You can see this value on the product listing page when you roll your mouse over each product.
Product SKU (Recommended): When editing a product you may define its unique Stock Keeping Unit or SKU. Choose this option if you would like to identify your product using this value.
Product Value
Facebook expects an optional Product Value (or Conversion Value) with certain events. They define this as the “value of a user performing this event to the business”. To make this easy, we have allowed you to use one of 3 options:
Off: Since Facebook does not require a product value to facilitate Dynamic Product Ads, you may select this option to disable the Product Value from being logged with Facebook for any action. Note: Value is noted as required for the Purchase event; however, the event and products purchased will still be logged without also sending the purchase value.
Product Price: Send the actual price of the product, even if the product is currently on sale. This value is pulled from the WooCommerce product properties automatically.
Custom Value (Pro – Recommended): Selecting this option will add a new option to the Product’s remarketable Pro settings and will allow you to set the value you place on products manually.